Careers in São Paulo
Welcome to São Paulo.
Welcome to Dynatrace in São Paulo, where you’ll find a handful of our sales, sales engineering, and services professionals. From outdoor team outings to Bring Your Kid to Work days, our atmosphere is close-knit, and designed to support you both professionally and personally.
What’s going on in Sao Paulo?

Get in touch
If you have any questions about our location, the job opportunities, or anything else, please reach out! We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Dynatrace Software do Brasil S.A.
Av. das Nações Unidas, 14.261, Ala B, 26º andar, sala 136 Vila Gertrudes
Sao Paulo, CEP 04794-000
T: + 55 11 3878-2403
E: careers@dynatrace.com
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